Courtney Taylor, better known as ‘The Modern Day Physic’ named by a newspaper in the early stage of her career, started her career in the entertainment industry. Leaving for LA at the age of 18 years old to work in a public relations firm where she realized not too long after that she wasn’t living out of her purpose and her most authentic self. Since the environment was not authentic, she kept her career in public relations back home in Toronto, Canada and started her own firm, and it was clear that PR wasn’t her thing, because she was still unhappy.
“I remembered as a little girl, I always wanted to be a social worker or psychologist. Someone who could help people just like me who grew up struggling a lot with anxiety and mental health,” Courtney says.
She turned her pain into her purpose and helped women work through healing trauma and pain through mediumship and guidance from spirit. She knew her whole life that she was gifted and had psychic abilities. Although she couldn’t name it or define it, she always felt completely different and misunderstood. Her parents didn’t have the tools to understand that she had these abilities which is part of her today’s mission to provide tools to harness these gifts.
“I have led, coached and taught thousands of women, men, and youth around the world to utilize their own gift, which is a skill that can be developed to create impact on themselves and the world around them.” Courtney says.
Courtney is able to do this through the transformational coaching business she runs, where she supports women in doing the deep healing work and helping them tap into their psychic abilities. As a psychic medium, her major goal and mindset is to educate women on how to use their spirit team to guide their life decisions from building a business to finding their right partner. ‘Her Modern Day Psychic’s method is broken down into psychic mediumship, crystal therapy, energy medicine and therapeutic tools’.
“My motivation to start my own business was based on my desire to help heal women inside and out, using holistic approaches and utilizing spirit to guide their life path.” Courtney express.
Despite the fact that everything looks like a simple journey towards success, Courtney recalls a lot of challenges when starting a business and getting where she is today. She believes that keeping an overall goal in mind, trusting yourself and the people you bring on to work with you can be difficult, but trusting that you are where you’re supposed to be will take sometime. When you gain that confidence, you will grow as a person and entrepreneur.
“My inspiration to get into this industry came from my love and passion for using my gifts to help people globally. As I practiced and leaned into my gifts, I started to realize how talented I was and ‘I didn’t know how I knew what I knew, but I just knew’. My work has always been and still is today, word of mouth and I am so grateful because people always gravitate towards me for guidance.” Courtney explains.
Mindset is the key when starting your own business, and in your day to day life. Mindset is so connected to being mindful and present. Those are the two most important keys when creating or sustaining a successful business, otherwise we can easily get off track and feel like we have failed, and that is a mindset we don’t want to sit in. Our mindset needs to be focused on our goals and all the things that we are planning to achieve.
As someone who has been able to find success, Courtney always advises other young entrepreneurs looking to start their own business, to trust your intuition and minimize the noise around you.
“I always hear that people feel like they can’t start their business because there’s too much competition or they are getting input from family or partners, and that is not a smart idea. If you feel called to offer a product or service, chase that dream, go after that goal and channel the information straight from your spirit team.” Courtney outlines.
Fear for me is an emotion that holds you back from taking the next step, a step that could be a life changing step forward. Over the years, I have looked many of my fears in the face, knowing it was the only way to succeed and scale my business. “Fears arise when we don’t feel safe, or feel like we might be in danger, but as a psychic-medium, it is my goal to help relieve some of the unknown and create direction, minimizing fear.”
“Success for her is definitely achieving her goals and big dreams, like speaking on a stage, finally working on her own TV show, and unlimited access to money. Success is being able to give back to the community in a big way. It’s her dream to build a small mental health clinic for young adults to get support, in other words success will allow me to step in further to make changes on a bigger level to get support for youths that are in pain and struggling. Success is being recognized as a true leader, expert and teacher in my field”. Courtney says.
Her biggest obstacles so far in her career have been trusting the people she hires to work with her. Trusting that she is where she is supposed to be and letting go her obsession about every business detail. “ Your business is your baby and you want to protect it.”
She highly differentiates herself from competitors because she is unique in what she does, as she is a social worker with a counseling background. She is able to confidently guide individuals towards their purpose and heal deep trauma using her team spirit. She teaches mediumship and works with women to develop their gift, give predictions and timelines of what is going to happen, but also provides the tools to transform and heal, so the predictions can surface.
“I am different in a way that I have the social work aspect and I don’t leave people with more questions than answers,” Courtney says.
Financial freedom for Courtney is being free from money worries, supporting the people she loves and having more time for herself and her loved ones. Financial freedom gives her the opportunity to expand her business by scaling it and hiring a bigger team, which will allow room to step back and let her work happen more passively through her transformational programs.
‘This year I am working on building a more in depth programs for women who want to step further into their psychic abilities, and create a real difference in their own and others people’s lives, changing programs, communities, and places for support and teaching on many social networks,’ Courtney concluded.
To learn more about Courtney Taylor and her plans, make sure to follow her on Instagram here and check out her website here.